5 Top Text Animation Scripts for After Effects

animation looks great, but it can take a lot of time and effort to get it right. Using an After Effects script can help you achieve professional results in a fraction of the time. Why not check out some of our favourites, available from Envato Market.

Text Scripts for AE

Motion Type: Text Animator

Create a variety of styles for any project with this time-saving text animation script for After Effects.

Key Features

With 20 text animation styles, you’ll be spoilt for choice with this AE script. Change the colours, animation offset, tracking, and more. You won’t need any plugins, and it works with any font.

  • Applications: After Effects CC 2014+
  • Requirements: No plugins needed
  • Author: Madlistudio
The template, Motion Type – Text Animator, is available from Envato for $30.

Alternative Text Animation Scripts for After Effects

If this text animating script isn’t what you’re looking for, no worries. How about these great alternatives for AE, from Envato Market?

Text Animator Suite – $18

Create any animation for text manually in just a few clicks, or set your desired options and add random animation and the script will generate the animation itself!

Flip Board Text – $22

This cool flipboard text has three different modes, works with any font, and doesn’t need any plugins. After Effects CC 2018 or above is required, though.

Subtitles Toolbar – $28

Subtitles are often necessary, but they’re a boring thing to have to make. This script helps you add subtitles in three different ways, and you can then choose from 20 animations. You can even generate a translated version of the captions with the ‘add translation’ button.

Illuminato Animated Text Creator – $20

Create brightly , animated text with this After Effects script. It’s fully automated, so you won’t need to make any keyframe adjustments—just enter your text and animation speed, and hit ‘Create’. Simple!

Top Text Templates for After Effects

If you’d like to see some After Effects templates that might work well with your video project and are available as part of a subscription to Envato Elements, here are a few of our favourites related to animating text.

Text Animation Toolkit

There are over 100 text animation presets in this After Effects set, including text, short text, outline maker, and effects. You’ll need AE 2021+ to use this, but no plugins.

Text Animation ToolkitText Animation ToolkitText Animation Toolkit
Text Animation Toolkit / Envato Elements

Text Animation Lower Third

Make quick and easy lower thirds with this After Effects template. They’re bold and -catching—just change the colours and font to suit your project.

Text Animation Lower ThirdText Animation Lower ThirdText Animation Lower Third
Text Animation Lower Third / Envato Elements

AE Text Tools

This huge pack of AE text tools is perfect for creating all sorts of animated text. There are 35 presets and 40 placeholders included. 

AE Text ToolsAE Text ToolsAE Text Tools
AE Text Tools / Envato Elements