VAULT Creator Highlight with Elena Paraskeva

VAULT is an NFT space created by creators for creators, your go-to place for -quality, curated, digital art from top creators around the globe. The VAULT highlight series focuses on the creators that are part of our NFT Community.

This week we are excited to introduce you to, Elena Paraskeva.

Elena Paraskeva is an international Photographer and Art Director.

She was awarded the Nikon-Photo Photographer Of The Year 2021, the Digital Camera Photographer Of The Year 2018 award and has won Gold/Silver/Bronze medals for her work in some of the world’s biggest and most prestigious photography competitions such as the Pollux Awards, New York Photography Awards, Trierenberg Supercircuit, International Color Awards, Chromatic Awards, Fine Art Photography Awards, LensCulture Portrait Awards, Neutral Density Awards, Prix De Photographie Paris, Monovision Photography Awards, American Photography Open, IPA, One Eyeland, Moscow International Photography Awards, Neutral Density Awards, International Photographer Of The Year, London International Creative Competition, WPPI, etc.
She has exhibited her work in NYC, London, Paris, Austria and her work has been published on the cover and pages of a multitude of international photography publications such as the UK Times, Photography Masterclass, Chromatica Magazine, Digital Camera, Digital Photographer, N-Photo


Get to Know the Creator and the NFT Space

How would you define your style of photography?

I live in a conceptual world, every image conveys a message, but in a highly stylized and often colorful way. and serious issues don’t have to imply rawness and dark images. Through my photographic projects, I’ve dealt with issues such as transgenderism, depression and other difficult subject matter, but in a stylized, cinematic, and often “light” way that doesn’t leave the viewer drained and often offers a window for hope. 

Why do you think conceptual/fine art images are well suited to the NFT space?

The NFT space is maturing. It is no longer just about apes and cartoon characters that are algorithmically created. Art collectors who appreciate fine art and the work that is involved will want to own it and exhibit it, not simply trade it. 

What do you hope that collectors will feel when viewing your art?

Through my series, but also individual pieces, I always strive to take the viewer on a journey with me, in a world where reality gets suspended and surrealism takes over, and through that challenge their notions of normality. Beauty in my work is never served straight up, it always has an underlying meaning that provokes a deeper thought process. 

What excites you the most when it comes to the NFT space?

I believe the NFT world is an incubator for innovation, not just in art and obviously technology, but also in community-building and even philanthropy. For example, after the war broke out in Ukraine, members of this community came together and managed to raise millions in record time to help the victims of war. I truly feel the space has become a place where lives can be changed.

What’s the piece of advice you have to give to creators interested in minting their first NFT?

Pricing can make or break your . Pricing it too high is unrealistic at this point in the NFT space, however on the other hand minting something for less than $250 means most of the proceeds will go to the minting cost. You also have to be part of the NFT community and Twitter has a very strong community of creators and collectors who actively support each other.

Are you interested in collecting NFTs? If so, what will you be looking for?

I see NFTs, in the same way, I’d view traditional art in a . Although the success of the Bored Ape Yaught Club is fascinating, the pieces themselves don’t interest me as an artist or a collector. I’m looking for art that I’d be proud to display in my own . I actually follow the work of some of my favorite photographers who just entered the NFT space and hope to grab a couple of their pieces in the secondary .


How do you make sure to stay informed when it comes to NFTs? Any useful resources you can share with the community?

One of the best ways to stay updated with NFTs is by following trailblazers in the space on Twitter. Listen in on their Twitter spaces, read their threads and learn what they’re interested in. Metaversal is an online weekly newsletter covering everything that concerns the space, new collections, new artists, new platforms, collaborations, explanation of new concepts, etc. 

What are your hobbies outside of photography?

I’m actually a professional photographer, so in my personal time, I find the need to create personal projects that speak to me.

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

Oh, I have a list of a few, but when it comes to the NFT space, I’d say hands down, Pol Kurucz, an amazing Brazilian conceptual photographer who creates some amazing animated NFTs. 

Do you have any upcoming projects you can share with the community?

I’m currently working on recreating some of my work with animation. On the photography front, I’m working on a stylized 60’s inspired series for a gallery exhibition run.  


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Check out our previous VAULT creator highlights:
Iryna iSky 
Julia Wimmerlin

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