Cannonball! Dive in and show us your best water shots

monet's garden giverny france
The pond at Monet’s in France. Marissa Wu

Pools, water parks, beaches, rivers, lakes: Summer is the season to live by the water. It’s the stuff of memories— vacations, seafood feasts, and bright noodles floating under the hot estival sun. This week’s theme invites you to dive in and share your favorite water photos. 

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This week’s theme

For this Photo of the Day challenge, show us your very best shots of the wet stuff. Film, digital, instant—B&W, , sepia, and more are all welcome, as well as all interpretations of the theme. Will you the droplets on a full glass of ice water as the sun shines through, or the that crash to ? Does it take the form of a child running through the sprinklers? Synchronized swimmers? An underwater snap of your adventure? Get !

How to enter

To submit, use #popphotooftheday on Instagram or Twitter, or submit to our Flickr pool or (NEW!) Facebook group. If joining the Facebook group, please answer the membership questions and agree to the group rules—this is in an effort to prevent spam!

There are no limits on how many images you can enter, but be sure to tag/upload only your very best shots. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got.

More info

For more info on Photos of the Day, including the official rules, head here.

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