DIYer 3D-prints a working 35mm movie camera

Footage from Yuta Ikeya’s 35mm movie camera looks delightfully old-timey. Yuta Ikeya With the renaissance of film photography has come a resurgence in the popularity of Super 8. These analog video cameras are easily portable and always pack a punch of nostalgia. However, the film can be a little harder (and pricier) to find than… Continue reading DIYer 3D-prints a working 35mm movie camera

Fugufilm 400 is a new ISO 400 color slide film from Japan Camera Hunter

Japan Camera Hunter Good things clearly come in threes because today the folks at Japan Camera Hunter (JCH) teased a brand-new ISO 400 color slide film, the third new color film to be announced this week! On Monday Kodak unveiled plans to offer Kodak Gold 200 in 120 medium format. That same day, CineStill announced… Continue reading Fugufilm 400 is a new ISO 400 color slide film from Japan Camera Hunter

Going back to film? Here’s what’s changed

Your old film camera probably still works fine. A vast number of today’s film photographers are not analog newbies, but rather experienced film users who are returning to the medium after years of shooting digital. With all the advances in digital and computational photography, it‘s no surprise that many photographers want to get back to… Continue reading Going back to film? Here’s what’s changed

5 affordable films we love—and why we love them

PopPhoto Here at PopPhoto, we love analog photography and we rail against the notion that film is prohibitively expensive Sure, there are pricey films out there—but some of our favorite films are also among the lowest priced. Here are five affordably-priced films that we love, not just for their price but for the exceptional results… Continue reading 5 affordable films we love—and why we love them

5 reasons digital photographers should try film

We know our share of fussy digital photographers who would never try film. But we also know plenty of others who find working with analog to be the more enjoyable and rewarding form of photography. Not only that, shooting film hones skills that are transferable to digital. With that in mind, here are five compelling… Continue reading 5 reasons digital photographers should try film

Season two of HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome film

A still from season 2 of the show, “Euphoria”. HBO Season two of the HBO series, Euphoria premiered last Sunday and if you tuned in for the first episode you may have noticed that the aesthetics of the show look a little different. It turns out season two was shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome motion… Continue reading Season two of HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome film

The Best 35mm Film Cameras to Buy in 2022

Film has experienced a bit of a resurgence in the past decade and we’ve seen a proliferation of never-before-made film stocks and even brought some back from the dead. But if you want to get started in film photography now, you’ll need a camera. So where should you start? As a life-long, avid shooter of… Continue reading The Best 35mm Film Cameras to Buy in 2022

How the Nikon F Revolutionized Photography 60 Years Ago

As an art form and a technology, photography’s youth is only matched by its blisteringly rapid advancement. This creates something of a paradox for us as enthusiasts and professionals, where the history of the medium we so love can feel both short and overstuffed. Neither condition is conducive to any one camera gaining, let alone… Continue reading How the Nikon F Revolutionized Photography 60 Years Ago

Telephoto landscape photography above the clouds

Who says you have to choose between film and digital? Certainly not Michael Shainblum who takes us behind the scenes in this beautiful video while he captures telephoto images of landscapes in golden hour fog. Now you might be thinking that a 100-400mm lens wouldn’t be the first thing you’d reach for in your camera… Continue reading Telephoto landscape photography above the clouds

Photographing Fog on Both Film and Digital

For photographers curious about using either film or digital to capture foggy landscape, Michael Shainblum has put together a video showing the behind-the-scenes of using both mediums with a telephoto lens. Shainblum, a passionate landscape photographer and filmmaker, often switches between a wide-angle and a telephoto lens, depending on the subject at hand. He has… Continue reading Photographing Fog on Both Film and Digital