Before color photography, there was the Lippmann process

Nick Brandreth Nick Brandreth fell in love with alternative processes during an apprenticeship at the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, New York over a decade ago. When the apprenticeship ended, he was hired by the museum and has been leading workshops and researching historic photographic processes ever since. He can teach you how to make… Continue reading Before color photography, there was the Lippmann process

Alec Soth’s ‘Pound of Pictures,’ and four other analog-only photobooks worth checking out

From Alec Soth’s new book, “A Pound of Pictures.”. © Alec Soth It‘s Film Week here on PopPhoto, and to celebrate, we’ve rounded up a selection of contemporary photobooks—and one classic—all shot on film. Documentary shooter Alec Soth set out to photograph America, by following the route of Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train, and ended up… Continue reading Alec Soth’s ‘Pound of Pictures,’ and four other analog-only photobooks worth checking out

Going back to film? Here’s what’s changed

Your old film camera probably still works fine. A vast number of today’s film photographers are not analog newbies, but rather experienced film users who are returning to the medium after years of shooting digital. With all the advances in digital and computational photography, it’s no surprise that many photographers want to get back to… Continue reading Going back to film? Here’s what’s changed

5 affordable films we love—and why we love them

PopPhoto Here at PopPhoto, we love analog photography and we rail against the notion that film is prohibitively expensive Sure, there are pricey films out there—but some of our favorite films are also among the lowest priced. Here are five affordably-priced films that we love, not just for their price but for the exceptional results… Continue reading 5 affordable films we love—and why we love them

5 reasons digital photographers should try film

We know our share of fussy digital photographers who would never try film. But we also know plenty of others who find working with analog to be the more enjoyable and rewarding form of photography. Not only that, shooting film hones skills that are transferable to digital. With that in mind, here are five compelling… Continue reading 5 reasons digital photographers should try film

This is what happens when you mount a 35mm film camera to a drone

A 3D-printed mount gives this classic film camera a new ride. Jason De Freitas If there are two things we love here at PopPhoto it’s drones and film photography, so it’s no surprise that we were pretty excited to see someone had taken a drone, strapped a 35mm film camera to it, and taken some… Continue reading This is what happens when you mount a 35mm film camera to a drone

Season two of HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome film

A still from season 2 of the show, “Euphoria”. HBO Season two of the HBO series, Euphoria premiered last Sunday and if you tuned in for the first episode you may have noticed that the aesthetics of the show look a little different. It turns out season two was shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome motion… Continue reading Season two of HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ shot entirely on Kodak Ektachrome film

Should You Shoot Film in 2022?

If you haven’t joined the resurgence of film photography in the past few years, you might be asking yourself, “Should I start shooting film in 2022?” If you’ve already been shooting film the past few years, then you might be asking yourself, with the rising costs of film and film cameras, should you continue shooting… Continue reading Should You Shoot Film in 2022?

How to shoot film on a budget

Choosing to shoot film doesn’t have to be a financial burden. Getty Images One of my many, many pet peeves is folks who discourage would-be analog photographers by telling them film is too expensive. They cite $25 rolls of slide film, $20 E-6 developing, and $40-per-shot drum scans, and declare film as a financial quagmire… Continue reading How to shoot film on a budget

Yashica Has Teased a New Product to Come in 2022

Yashica, one of the more polarizing camera brands, is teasing a new product for 2022. The company hasn’t made much noise in the photography space since its successful three-camera Kickstarter in 2019, which came after the disastrous launch of the Y35 in 2018. Something New is Coming Yashica has revealed no information other than to… Continue reading Yashica Has Teased a New Product to Come in 2022