Creating Change: Angela Y T Chan on seeking climate justice through the arts

Reading Time: 5 minutes An educator, researcher, and “creative climate change communicator”, Chan discusses the importance of anti-colonial climate research, and how to resist greenwashing   Climate change is an ever present topic within society. Following the COP26 conference in Glasgow in October last year, a renewed scrutiny has been placed on the government’s responsibility… Continue reading Creating Change: Angela Y T Chan on seeking climate justice through the arts

Jameisha Prescod on demystifying chronic illness

Reading Time: 3 minutes The winner of this year’s Wellcome Photography Prize for her image Untangling gives an insight into her platform, You Look Okay to Me Creativity enables us to connect with one another. It demystifies our experiences and demonstrates that through sharing them we are never truly alone. Certainly, collective solidarity is at… Continue reading Jameisha Prescod on demystifying chronic illness

Boycott Zabludowicz on the power of collective action

Reading Time: 4 minutes Bringing together artists and activists, the BDZ campaign aims to evolve into a wider movement to achieve equality and dignity for all Palestinian people The potential of collective action within the visual arts to unify individual struggles makes our voices harder to ignore. The impact of meaningful change is evidenced by… Continue reading Boycott Zabludowicz on the power of collective action

Boycott Zabludowicz on the power of collective action

Reading Time: 4 minutes Bringing together artists and activists, the BDZ campaign aims to evolve into a wider movement to achieve equality and dignity for all Palestinian people The potential of collective action within the visual arts to unify individual struggles makes our voices harder to ignore. The impact of meaningful change is evidenced by… Continue reading Boycott Zabludowicz on the power of collective action