In the United States, approximately 23 million households brought an animal into their lives as they navigated the pandemic. It‘s no wonder they did—across various studies, having a pet has been linked to decreased loneliness and boosted feelings of well-being. Plus, amid the isolation of 2020-21, many of our pets encouraged us to get outside… Continue reading Pet photography: Fail-proof strategies to capture our furry friends
Category: dog photography
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These are the winning images from the 2021 Dog Photography Awards
This year’s Dog Photography Awards faced some stiff competition with so many beautiful, inspiring and generally cute furry entries. The award is split into 3 categories: landscape, action and studio. So take a moment in your day to ‘paws‘, and look at the winning images. Studio: First place was awarded to Franca Lombardo from Switzerland… Continue reading These are the winning images from the 2021 Dog Photography Awards