Portraits from the Summer of Love, and four other photo book picks

Shenandoah Jordan, Super Adaptoid, Lady Glorious, Matthew, and Steve Culligan in a Convertible, Haight Street, August 13, 1968. From Elaine Mayes’ “The Haight-Ashbury Portraits 1967–1968”. © Elaine Mayes In this season‘s photo book selection, we look at early color photographs by urban street photographer, Mitch Epstein; Elaine Mayes’s portraits of hippies and oddballs at the… Continue reading Portraits from the Summer of Love, and four other photo book picks

Freeze! The week’s best reader-submitted still life photos

“A traditional still life of three pears exhibiting the interplay between light and shadow”. David Terao For this week’s reader challenge, we asked you to submit photos of the inanimate. And as always, you delivered. While some folks settled on more unusual subjects to photograph, the vast majority of you stuck with classic still life… Continue reading Freeze! The week’s best reader-submitted still life photos

Photography’s golden rules and when to break them

The fundamentals of photography composition are meant to be broken but first, you must grasp them. Stan Horaczek Photography has a lot of rules that are really just principles. Most of them are useful guidelines worth understanding, not edicts to be followed to the letter. In this photography fundamentals series, we’re going to look at… Continue reading Photography’s golden rules and when to break them

How to unlock your smartphone camera’s best hidden features

Jeff Carlson What could be more fundamental to photography today than our smartphone cameras? They’re ever-present, ready in moments, and the technology behind them makes it easy to capture great photos in most situations. And yet, I regularly encounter people who are unaware of many of the core functions of the built-in camera app. Smartphone… Continue reading How to unlock your smartphone camera’s best hidden features

Jamie Beck’s photos from the French countryside look like Renaissance paintings

One of Beck’s self portraits in a Provence lavender field. Jamie Beck Six years ago, photographer Jamie Beck was seemingly living the life. She was running a thriving commercial photography studio in New York City and had all the trappings of success—prestigious clients from Vogue to Nike, a beautiful apartment, designer clothes, a vintage car.… Continue reading Jamie Beck’s photos from the French countryside look like Renaissance paintings

How to create double exposures on film

Double exposures are easy to experiment with and can often lead to unexpected results. Evan Purney You pick out a roll of film and load it into your camera. You advance by a few frames. You line up your shot and…*CLICK.* The shutter opens for just an instant, light hits the film, and the moment… Continue reading How to create double exposures on film

Martha Cooper revisits the chaotic, gritty & enchanting world of graffiti in 1980s NYC

Women on train, 1981. Martha Cooper A playful, illicit urgency under a harsh camera flash. Art on the cusp of creation and the artist on the cusp of being caught. Such was the life documentary photographer Martha Cooper chased as she captured the emerging graffiti scene in 1980s New York City.  Now, nearly 40 years… Continue reading Martha Cooper revisits the chaotic, gritty & enchanting world of graffiti in 1980s NYC

A dark matter camera will soon allow scientists to peer into atomic clouds

When built, the MAGIS-100 atom interferometer will be the largest in the world. But it’s still missing a key component: a detailed camera. Stanford University This story originally appeared on Popular Science. In suburban Chicago, about 34 miles west of Lake Michigan, sits a hole in the ground that goes about 330 feet straight down. Long… Continue reading A dark matter camera will soon allow scientists to peer into atomic clouds

Skateboard photographer Atiba Jefferson on getting your foot in the door

Andrew Reynolds frontside flips a hefty double set of stairs in front of a crowd. © Atiba Jefferson Atiba Jefferson is a legend in the world of skateboard photography (and skateboarding in general). With more than 25 years of experience behind the lens, his work has and continues to grace the covers and pages of… Continue reading Skateboard photographer Atiba Jefferson on getting your foot in the door

The state of AI in your favorite photo editing apps

ON1’s forthcoming Super Select AI feature automatically detects various subjects/elements in an image, allowing user to quickly create a mask. ON1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in photography are more widespread than ever before, touching every part of the digital image-making process, from framing to focus to the final edit. But they’re also widespread in the… Continue reading The state of AI in your favorite photo editing apps