Anders Edström chronicles the nuances of daily life, love and loss

Reading Time: 5 minutes His new 756-page story book explores the home life in a remote Japanese village that may soon be gone In 1992, Swedish photographer Anders Edström travelled to the remote Japanese village of Shiotani for the first time. Just under 30 miles outside Kyoto, the village is home to only 47 inhabitants.… Continue reading Anders Edström chronicles the nuances of daily life, love and loss

Kristin Bedford: The Maverick Giving a Voice to the Voiceless

Kristin Bedford joins us on this episode of Inside The Photographer‘s Mind. She’s an L.A. based photographer with a keen eye for social realism. Her work explores race, stereotypes, and communal self-expression. Throughout the episode, she shares her journey into photography, how she approaches her work, and her best-selling photo book, Cruise Night. Here’s what’s… Continue reading Kristin Bedford: The Maverick Giving a Voice to the Voiceless

Tereza Zelenkova creates and homage to Victorian aesthetics

Reading Time: 2 minutes The photographer draws on influences from literature, atmospheric interiors and the mystery of forgotten spaces Tereza Zelenkova’s project The Essential Solitude began as a commission from the Financial Times in 2017. “I was asked to make a double-page spread, the subject being ‘My London’, and it struck me as strange that… Continue reading Tereza Zelenkova creates and homage to Victorian aesthetics

Christopher Anderson’s reflection on love, time and family revisited

Reading Time: 2 minutes “These photographs are not a documentation or story telling or even art. They are declarations of Love” Christopher Anderson’s latest book, SON, takes the form of an older series revisited. It is distinct from the photography for which he garnered critical acclaim. Documentary work, significantly the images he created on a… Continue reading Christopher Anderson’s reflection on love, time and family revisited