The Great Guide to Tamron Zoom Lenses for Sony FE

Tamron lenses are fantastic; I’m not sure there’s any independent reviewer that would disagree with us on that. Tamron zoom lenses for Sony FE cameras are notably incredible. Their lenses don’t exactly compete with what Sony offers, but instead, augment it. What’s more, they do so while also providing a ton of value for what… Continue reading The Great Guide to Tamron Zoom Lenses for Sony FE

4 Excellent Zoom Lenses for Portrait Photography with Your Sony Camera

Given the chance, we’ll always reach for prime lenses. But sometimes, it’s just easier to shoot a portrait with a zoom lens. It’s even better when you do it with a constant aperture lens. That’s why there are some zoom lenses for portrait photography that truly blow us away. Combine them with the Sony FE… Continue reading 4 Excellent Zoom Lenses for Portrait Photography with Your Sony Camera