Contributors of the Month – February

Atmosphaeres: 360Cities Contributor of the Month

Meet Atmosphaeres, a prolific 360º video contributor from Germany who specializes in creating highly immersive, spherical videos that transport viewers to new places and experiences. Their videos on capturing the feeling of “being there” in a perfect way.

During the month of February, Atmosphaeres published an impressive 48 videos, eight of which were selected as Editors’ Picks. It’s no surprise that their work has garnered so much attention, as their videos are truly captivating. Whether it’s a boardwalk along Emerald Lake in Lakes National Park or a edge overlooking the escarpments of Saxon Switzerland National Park, Atmosphaeres’ 360º videos transport viewers to some of the most beautiful places on earth.

To give you a better sense of Atmosphaeres’ work, we’ve included a few of their recent videos in this post. From the sparkling ocean waves of Praia De Area Maior in Galicia, Spain to the gushing waterfalls of Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia, each video offers a unique and immersive experience. We encourage you to visit Atmosphaeres’ profile page and explore their 360º videos.

William L.: 36Cities Contributor of the Month

William L. is an experienced 360º photographer based in the United States who has a keen eye for capturing stunning spherical panoramas. William took his first spherical panorama back in 2007, but it wasn’t until a few years later that he truly delved into the hobby. Even after all these years, William is still constantly learning new techniques and improving his craft.

During the month of February, William published an impressive 54 panoramas, showcasing his dedication and commitment to his craft. Some of his best work includes “ Lake Glass Flow” in California, “ Creek ” in Idaho (which was hit hard by the 2016 Pioneer Fire), or “Jim Hell Rock” in Montana, you can enjoy some of them below.

William’s photographic interests are broad and varied, encompassing everything from mountain summits and glacial geomorphology to abandoned ruins and places in . He is especially drawn to offbeat locations that are often only known by locals. His extensive travels have taken him across the United States and Canada, and he has captured breathtaking panoramas from both countries. If you’re a fan of panoramic photography or simply appreciate stunning imagery, be sure to check out William’s work on our platform. You’re sure to be impressed by his talents and inspired by the beauty of the world around us.