How to Create AI Music Videos With AI Art Generator Kaiber

Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You’ll Be Creating

The band Linkin Park, recently used an AI music video generator generate a music video for their song “Lost”, and it’s taking the by storm. It turns out that it’s pretty easy to create Ai generated music videos, and in this article, I’m going to show you how to do it! By the time you’re done with this article you’ll know the secrets at how to make a music video with AI!

Thumbnail for Linkin Park song, youtube hit, 'lost'.Thumbnail for Linkin Park song, youtube hit, 'lost'.Thumbnail for Linkin Park song, youtube hit, 'lost'.

Linkin Park song “Lost”.

To learn how to make a music video with AI, you’ll need a few things Here is a brief list:

  • A computer
  • A basic internet connection
  • A Kaiber Account for your AI music video generator – We’ll show you how to set this up.
  • Some Music – We’ll get this from Envato Elements
  • A image – We’ll also get this from Envato Elements

This introduction video was created using the Synthesia Ai Tutorial on Tuts+. Learn how we did it!

Introducing Kaiber Ai

Artificial intelligence has found its way into the heart of modern . This is transforming the way artists and creators bring their visions to life. Kaiber AI is on the cutting edge of this transition. This is an AI music video generator tool that uses AI to generate stunning visualizations based on user input. By the end of this guide, you’ll gain the knowledge to create your own AI generated music video free.

Kaiber home screen imageKaiber home screen imageKaiber home screen image

Kaiber home screen image.

Understanding Kaiber AI

Before we dive into the tutorial, it’s important to understand what Kaiber is. Kaiber AI is a powerful tool that allows anyone to produce stunning videos. It’s so easy it feels like magic! By choosing a theme and aesthetic, you can watch your custom AI generated music video come to life right before your eyes. This is how to make a music video with AI.

Kaiber is not just putting music to images. Kaiber actually analyzes the content given to it. Then it generates synchronized imagery to tie it all .

Setting Up Your Kaiber AI Account

You’ll need to have a Kaiber.Ai account to create your AI generated music video free. Note that due to previous abuses of the free trial, the use of Kaiber ai musiv vidoes is now associated with a fee. I’ve posted a little bit of information about the various types of accounts for you to decide what’s best for you.  

Pricing Breakdown

Pricing Table for Kaiber acountPricing Table for Kaiber acountPricing Table for Kaiber acount

Kaiber’s pricing table.

Here’s a break-down of the pricing, and available options for each package:

1. Explorer Plan ($5/month)

This is the most affordable plan. It’s for users who are starting out using AI for music videos or have modest video creation needs. It offers:

  •   300 credits that never expire
  •   The ability to create AI music videos up to 4 minutes
  •   Support for various content inputs, including: video-to-video transform, audio reactivity (upload music), -to-video (starting with a prompt), and image-to-video (starting with an image)
  •   Capability to select camera movements
  •   Flexibility with any aspect ratio
  •   Video upscaling

2. Pro Plan ($15/month)

For users who create AI music videos more frequently and/or need a larger volume of credits. It includes all the features of the Explorer Plan, plus:

  •  A higher number of credits
  • 1,000 credits that never expire
  • The ability to buy extra credit packs. This provides greater flexibility for users with varying video creation needs.

3. Artist Plan ($30/month)

This is the most premium plan. It’s for professional creators or businesses who have high volume video creation needs. It includes all the features of the Pro Plan, plus:

  •  An even larger number of credits
  • 2,500 credits that never expire

The main differences between the plans are how many credits you get and if you can buy extra credit packs. The Explorer Plan is a great option for or small businesses who are just starting to create AI music videos. The Pro Plan is a step up and caters to regular creators who need a larger pool of credits. The Artist Plan has the most credits and lets you buy more credit packs. It’s perfect for people who use it a lot, like professional video makers or bigger businesses.  All of these plans are great for you if you are trying to use AI for music videos.  

Get Started

Get started using AI for music videos by browsing to Kaiber.Ai. Click Join Kaiber V0 button at the top-right-hand corner.

User clicking on 'Get Started Button'User clicking on 'Get Started Button'User clicking on 'Get Started Button'

User clicking on the Get Started button.

Creating Your Ai Generated Music Video

Step 1: Start with the Music!

Creating an amazing AI music video generator with Kaiber begins with picking the best song. Luckily, Envato Elements makes this step super simple! It’s an online library where you can find things like music, pictures, and more if you have a subscription. Your subscription lets you use the music any way you want, even after your subscription ends*! Start by visiting Envato Elements and clicking the Music Tab. 

Image of Envato Elements Music Section. User Clicking on Royalty Free Music.Image of Envato Elements Music Section. User Clicking on Royalty Free Music.Image of Envato Elements Music Section. User Clicking on Royalty Free Music.
Image of Envato Elements Music Section. User Clicking on Royalty Free Music.

You can use the search tool to find songs by their type, mood, instruments, speed, and more. I’ve found that the higher the energy of your song, the better the results. Pick High Energy in the Mood section or type it into the search. You can listen to different songs until you find one you love. When you’ve found the right song, click the download icon to save it to your computer.

User clicking download from Envato WebsiteUser clicking download from Envato WebsiteUser clicking download from Envato Website
User clicking download from Envato Website

Extract your files by Right-Clicking the newly downloaded Zip file, and choosing Unzip.

Image showing the unzipping process for the newly downloaded music.Image showing the unzipping process for the newly downloaded music.Image showing the unzipping process for the newly downloaded music.
Image showing the unzipping process for the newly downloaded music.

Step 2: Select your Seed Image

Now that you’ve got your song, its time to select the seed image for your ai music video. This will serve as the original frame. The video generator will generate the entire video based on this initial photo. You can use any image that you’d like, but if you need one, Envato Elements, yet again has great options for you to use this powerful AI for music videos. With your Envato Elements Subscription you have access to millions of them! 

Image of Envato Elements Photo Section.Image of Envato Elements Photo Section.Image of Envato Elements Photo Section.
Image of Envato Elements Photo Section.

My suggestion is to play your music in the background while you browse through the photos. Look for a picture that resonates with the same energy you sense in the music. You can see here I searched for Fast Cars.   

images after searching for Fast Cars in the search bar at Envatoimages after searching for Fast Cars in the search bar at Envatoimages after searching for Fast Cars in the search bar at Envato

images after searching for Fast Cars in the search bar at Envato.

You’ll save the image the same way you saved the audio file. Click on the image you want, then click the Download icon.

User clicking Download icon on image.User clicking Download icon on image.User clicking Download icon on image.

User clicking Download icon on image.

Step 3: Generating The Video

The first thing you want to do, after signing into Kaiber.Ai, is click Create Your First Video button. 

User clicking 'Create First Video' Button.User clicking 'Create First Video' Button.User clicking 'Create First Video' Button.

User clicking Create First Video button.

Then, on the Upload Files screen, you’ll want to click on Begin with an initial image button. This is where you’ll select the image that you downloaded earlier.

User clicking on 'Upload Image' Button.User clicking on 'Upload Image' Button.User clicking on 'Upload Image' Button.

User clicking on Upload Image button.

Next, click on Add your song or audio file button to upload the music that you also downloaded earlier.

User clicking 'Add Music' Button.User clicking 'Add Music' Button.User clicking 'Add Music' Button.

User clicking Add Music button.

I recommend trimming your audio to brief clips, by clicking the Need Trim Your Audio File? link below the button. This will allow you to trim down your song, and create different scenes using the same song.
Image showing editing of audio clip.Image showing editing of audio clip.Image showing editing of audio clip.
Image showing editing of audio clip.

Once you’re music is ready. Click Continue to Prompt to continue your AI music video generator design process.

User clicking 'Continue to Prompt' ButtonUser clicking 'Continue to Prompt' ButtonUser clicking 'Continue to Prompt' Button

User clicking Continue to Prompt button

The next screen is where you will actually type in your prompt for your video.  I would recommend typing something that involves . This way your character(s) will have some sort of motion in the video.  For mine I’ll use; 

“Transform a static image of a red sports car in a picture frame into an exhilarating of a car race. Visualize the sports car breaking free from its confines and seamlessly joining a high-speed race on a bustling circuit, filled with other speeding vehicles. Picture this under bright stadium lights, with a roaring crowd cheering enthusiastically in the backdrop, as the sports car surges forward to cross the finish line in triumphant victory.”

Image of prompt being added: "a sports car coming out of a picture frame into a live race environment, ultimately winning a race in front a cheering crowd."Image of prompt being added: "a sports car coming out of a picture frame into a live race environment, ultimately winning a race in front a cheering crowd."Image of prompt being added: "a sports car coming out of a picture frame into a live race environment, ultimately winning a race in front a cheering crowd."

Here’s how I added the prompt in Kaiber.

You can see here that this piece is going to cost me 55 credits. Additionally you can click on Select a Style to choose the style of art that you want to give to your creation. In this case, I’ll be going with Modern 3D animation.

Choosing Style as Meteorla GraffitiChoosing Style as Meteorla GraffitiChoosing Style as Meteorla Graffiti

Choosing Style as Meteorla Graffiti.

Up next, click Video Settings button. This is where you can adjust your final settings. 

Click go to settings button.Click go to settings button.Click go to settings button.

Click Video settings button.

After you’ve adjusted all your final settings, click on Go to Preview Frames button.  

User clicking 'Go to preview frames' button.User clicking 'Go to preview frames' button.User clicking 'Go to preview frames' button.

Click Go to Preview Frames button.

In the next screen, you’ll get to choose your favorite keyframe that you want to start your video with. You can also add storyboards if you would like. For this guide, we’ll just stick with this one. When you’re satisfied, the last step on how to make a music video with AI is to click the Create Video button.

Give it some time. Kaiber will take a few minutes to generate the final product.  Here is what mine looks like: 

That’s It! Now You Know How to Create Ai Generated Music Video free.

That is how to make a music video with AI. Kaiber AI makes creating fun AI generated music videos easy for everyone, not just pros. So why wait? Dive in, start creating, and bring your vision to life using AI for music videos.

Remember, practice and experimentation are key. Keep playing with different looks and styles until you love your video. Remember, each time you make a new video, it uses up some of your credits! And above all, have fun! 

*Important Notes Regarding Using Music and Images from Envato Elements in Your AI-Generated Videos with Kaiber

When creating AI generated music videos with Kaiber, the right choice of music and images can make a significant impact. Envato Elements provides a broad selection of music tracks and images under a simple commercial license, but it’s essential to understand and comply with their licensing terms.

Every time you choose a or an image from Envato Elements, you must register it for each specific use. This grants you a license for a single, specified use of the music or image in your project. The music can be synced with your AI-generated video, and the images can be used to enhance the visuals, each contributing to create a work that is larger in scope and different in nature than the individual elements. The license is only valid if you complete your video while your Envato Elements subscription is active. The license then continues for the life of your video, even if your subscription ends later.

If you want to learn more about the Envato Elements License, click here