How to Record a Remote Interview Video Using Squadcast

In this tutorial we’ll be using Squadcast, a one-stop solution that makes recording remote interviews easy; it handles schedules and makes recording sessions for both you and your guest.

Woman in white room talking on a video call using a laptop Woman in white room talking on a video call using a laptop Woman in white room talking on a video call using a laptop

Squadcast Plans and Pricing 

While Squadcast isn’t free, they do other some affordable plans. If you’re starting out, try the seven day free trial first. The best value for those wanting to record and manage audio and video is the Indie + Video , that goes for $40/month and gives you five hours or recording.

Using Squadcast to Record An Interview

Recording interviews with a guest in a remote location posses challenges. From getting your guest set up, to managing files once the interview is wrapped, it can be a lot! 

If you’re new to Squadcast or browser-based recording programs like it, check out the quick rundown we made on how to use Squadcast. The main take-away is that you’ll start working in the Recording Sessions Overview. This is where you can create a new session and access/manage your past recordings.

Creating a new session is easy. Just click Add Session, then fill out your information in the required field. You’ll automatically send a link invitation to your guest when you submit your new session, and your guest doesn’t need to create an account or login.

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Prepping for Your Interview

What’s great about Squadcast is that it takes all of the technical difficulties that would usually be present if you were organising this yourself, away. It kind of acts like a digital producer, so that you can focus on making sure everything else is good to go. Squadcast even guides your guest through the minor technical aspects like recording and monitoring. That being said, your guest doesn’t have to have fancy equipment to provide you with a great interview, a simple pair of “ear buds” with a built-in microphone in the line will work just fine.

Here are some general tips for great interviews.

  • Having an Outline. Having a that you can share with your guest that goes over format and topics that will be covered ensures that you’re all on the same page, allowing or the interviewee to be properly prepped. 
  • Breaking the . Before you get down to hard hitting questions, try taking some rapport and letting any jumpy nerves settle.
  • Creating Space. A good rule to follow is to more and talk less. A good to achieve this is by asking open, but direct, questions that you know your guest in passionate about.
  • Be Respectful. This is might seem obvious, but understand what’s off limits. Though drama can be exciting, often it can create hostility and completely derail the interview. A good way to avoid this is by going over this in the outline you send your guest.

Creating a Professional Look

This is a little subjective and is open to interpretation but it’s your job as a host to communicate to your guest what your production standards are before the interview. You shouldn’t assume anything. Ask questions with the goal of covering production goals.

For example, if you are planning to record video it’s important to make sure your guest knows this. If you don’t ask them to clean up or find a quiet , it might be assumed that anything is fine. When you send them an outline make sure to mention that you’ll be recording video. It’s OK to ask for a confirmation while you’re at it.

Woman on sofa making a video call using tablet computerWoman on sofa making a video call using tablet computerWoman on sofa making a video call using tablet computer

Before You Record

Here are five basics that should you go over to ensure success with Squadcast. 

  1. Restart your computer before you record your interview. This preps your computer and is recommended for best success.
  2. Make Squadcast the focus tab. This just means to have Squadcast selected and all over other closed.
  3. Don’t use bluetooth Headsets. This type of headset can cause latency issues.
  4. Technical Check. In the Green you’ll be able to check your video an audio. The big thing to check is that your audio is correct. Double check the the microphones are plugged in and that you aren’t recording your audio with the built-in mic.
  5. Make Adjustments. This is your show, if you notice your guest moving away from the mic, you should say something. Try not to address this as a mistake though. “You’ve moved away from your microphone a little, can you move it a little closer” is a better than explaining why it’s important.

That’s it!

Thanks for following along and best of luck with your interviews. Like everything being a great interviewer is a built skill. Have fun and enjoy the progress/process.

More Resources for Video Podcasting