How to Use CRT and VHS Overlays in After Effects (Quick Method)

Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You’ll Be Creating

In this we’ll be learning the quick and easy to use CRT and VHS overlays in Adobe After Effects in order to this cool retro look for your project!  

the quick waythe quick waythe quick way

What You’ll Need

To follow this tutorial, first we’ll need a CRT overlay pack which we can download from Envato Elements! Below, you’ll find some links to assets that you may find useful for this tutorial:

CRT Overlays PackCRT Overlays PackCRT Overlays Pack

How to Use CRT & VHS Overlays in After Effects

Go to your Adobe After Effects project and import the CRT overlays into your project. You can do this by going to File > Import > File (Control – I) and then choose the overlay videos you want to use.

import overlaysimport overlaysimport overlays

Once they have been successfully imported into your project, simply locate the one you want to use from the project panel and drag into your composition. You need to place the overlay on top of your existing footage.

drag overlay to compdrag overlay to compdrag overlay to comp

You may also need to adjust the scale and position of the overlay.

adjust scaleadjust scaleadjust scale

Change the to Overlay to apply the effect! That’s as simple as it needs to be. You’ve got a CRT overlay now with a bit of a VHS vibe that you can use on top of any footage. 

overlay appliedoverlay appliedoverlay applied

If you want a different CRT look, simply repeat the steps with a different overlay.

different overlay looksdifferent overlay looksdifferent overlay looks


apply crt and vhs overlayapply crt and vhs overlayapply crt and vhs overlay

So now that you have a good understanding on how to apply a CRT & VHS Overlays in After Effects, why not experiment with other packages that you can find on Envato Elements! Alternatively, if you want more control over the way the effect looks, we can learn how to create this effect from scratch! Stay tuned for the next tutorial where we will learn how to do this in ‘How to Create CRT and VHS Looks in After Effects’!