Recovering Investment of Equipment

What are the effective ways for hobbyists (non-professionals) to recover the investment of their equipment?

Answer by: Zishaan A Latif, Photographer and Filmmaker

Why is it so necessary to recover everything in life? How much weight and pressure we put on recovery rather than on output? It amazes me how much time is wasted on counting rather than creating! Stop. Breathe. Just enjoy what you bought or have…

I will never understand the point of this question… If you like photography, you need to make sacrifices, it’s as simple as that. There are no two ways about it, unless you, too, wish to eat into an already growing market of ‘professional’ photographers. One of the best advice I’ve received, came from Swapan Parekh, “Zishaan, I don’t know how you will earn from photography, but I can tell you how you can save your money… Start your Systematic Investment Plan (SIPs) now!”

And I have, since I was 25-years-old. I have been saving my little, and then substantial earnings, into SIPs. So my advise to you all too… SIPs! Start small. Before you know it, you will be investing your savings into another ‘expensive’ camera or lens. Please enjoy and use what you have rather than fretting over what you don’t. This is the key to a happy existence.