Sasha Huber redresses seven portraits of enslaved individuals made in 1850, in an act of decolonisation and grace

All images from the series Tailoring Freedom © Sasha Huber. Original images courtesy of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. The works Fassena, Jem, Alfred and Jack and Drana from the series Tailoring Freedom were commissioned by The Power Plant, Toronto; Autograph, London; Turku Art Museum, Finland; and Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2022.… Continue reading Sasha Huber redresses seven portraits of enslaved individuals made in 1850, in an act of decolonisation and grace

12 of the top fine art photographers to follow on 500px

The year was 1902. It was early March, and Alfred Stieglitz had just formed the Photo-Secession, an art movement for photographers. It was snowing in New York City, and Stieglitz and his colleagues were getting ready to open their first exhibition. They were a daring bunch, employing tools like darkroom manipulation and special lenses and… Continue reading 12 of the top fine art photographers to follow on 500px

Tips from the pros: 3 keys to taking better bird pictures

A great grey owl. ISO 1600, 1/200 sec, f/5.6 @ 70mm. Michael Cummings/Getty Images This post on better bird pictures has been updated. It was originally published on June 3, 2015. At once challenging and wondrous subjects, birds are fast, elusive, biologically diverse, and can be stunningly beautiful. “There are about 10,000 species of birds… Continue reading Tips from the pros: 3 keys to taking better bird pictures

SantaColor 100 is a ‘new’ 35mm film repurposed from aerial surveillance stock

The folks behind SantaColor 100 are currently raising money to bring this new stock to life. Santa 1000 For photographers scrambling to get their hands on what feels like an ever-dwindling supply of color film, here’s some good news: Santa 1000, the brand behind Santa Rae 1000 (a now discontinued but very funky, 35mm high-speed… Continue reading SantaColor 100 is a ‘new’ 35mm film repurposed from aerial surveillance stock