Fugufilm 400 is a new ISO 400 color slide film from Japan Camera Hunter

Japan Camera Hunter Good things clearly come in threes because today the folks at Japan Camera Hunter (JCH) teased a brand-new ISO 400 color slide film, the third new color film to be announced this week! On Monday Kodak unveiled plans to offer Kodak Gold 200 in 120 medium format. That same day, CineStill announced… Continue reading Fugufilm 400 is a new ISO 400 color slide film from Japan Camera Hunter

Best cellular trail cameras of 2022

Stan Horaczek Best Overall TACTACAM Reveal XB Check Price An excellent all-around cellular trail camera, with strong photos and decently priced subscriptions. Best Picture Quality Covert Blackhawk LTE Check Price A strong camera and good scene range. Best For Wet Conditions Yellowstone.ai 4G LTE Check Price Good for all conditions, Yellowstone distinguishes itself with good… Continue reading Best cellular trail cameras of 2022