VAULT Creator Highlight with Wandering Spacesuit

VAULT is an NFT created by creators for creators, your go-to place for high-quality, curated, digital art from top creators around the globe. The VAULT highlight series focuses on the creators that are part of our NFT Community. 

This week we are excited to introduce you to Wandering Spacesuit.

Muhammad Hardi Saputra creates astronaut miniature photographs. Through his work, you can follow the journey of a little astronaut as they explore the universe.

Get to Know the Creator and the NFT Space

How did you get started in photography and what made you lean toward working with lifes?

My first photograph is of some robot . I was still using a film camera with a fixed lens, so the result came out very blurry. Then in mid-2011, I started to on photography just by using my smartphone. At that time, images taken from a smartphone camera were sellable on the internet. I used to photograph trees, nature, insects, and flowers. After some time, I feel so limited because I don’t travel much, and I want to take more photos. Then, still-life came to my . I chose origami at first. I make a airplane, crane, or boat. The technology is becoming more advanced, and I got a 3d printer to make my own miniatures. The I got from designing my own minis feels so good.

What brought you to the NFT space?

One afternoon, my brother casually asked me if I wanted to try selling an NFT. At that time, I didn’t know that he was investing in NFT. I found out about it when I was having a discussion with my brother and my friends in an online game. I didn’t immediately try it. I decided to take some time to learn about NFT. One day, I casually checked my 500px to upload some photos, then I found Vault.

What do you hope that collectors will feel when viewing your art?

Calm and Nostalgia

How do you curate your work when it comes to deciding what to make into an NFT?

I pick a set of images that will make a good story.

What’s the best piece of advice you have to give to creators interested in minting their first NFT?

I don’t know very much at this moment as I am still trying to see what’s working and not working.

How do you overcome any creative roadblocks?

Usually, I stare at my photographs and imagine a new image appearing in my head. When it appears, I immediately write/sketch it down in my sketchbook or anything available. But when it doesn’t appear, I try to look for something new. 

For example, playing video with my friends. Video games are the most impactful to me. Some games offer a digital sandbox mode to create another kind of art, such as building a base. Sometimes, I, with my friends or some random people on the internet, spent hours and weeks just creating it. After finishing creating something that I really like, my brain feels refreshed and ready to create new art.

Where do you go to stay in the know for the metaverse?

YouTube and my gaming group chat.

What platforms do you think creators should engage on the most when it comes to connecting with collectors?

Twitter and Reddit

If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?

If the distance is not a problem, I think I’ll choose Felix Alejandro Hernandez R. His miniatures are superb.

Are there any exciting projects on the ?

More cinematography and more stories about the astronaut. As I just exploring more about automata.

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Check out our previous VAULT creator highlights:
Iryna iSky 
Julia Wimmerlin
Elena Paraskeva


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